
Tybalt ships with a command-line application that can be used to perform common tasks associated with Tybalt projects. For example, you can scaffold a new component library, lint the source code, build the components, run the unit tests, and start a development server without setting up jest, eslint, esbuild, or fastify yourself, by running the following commands:

$ npm i -g @tybalt/cli
$ tybalt scaffold library
$ tybalt lint
$ tybalt build
$ tybalt test
$ tybalt serve

Getting Started

Recommended: Add as a dev dependency

npm i -D @tybalt/cli

Then, add scripts to the scripts key of package.json with the options you want specified

    "scripts": {
        "start": "tybalt serve",
        "lint": "tybalt lint"

Use @tybalt/cli with npx

This is the method we use in the documentation because it just works ™️, but it can be slow.

$ npx @tybalt/cli build

Install the cli globally

This isn't very safe because it gives access to some global folders when installing.

$ npm i -g @tybalt/cli


Each command responds to --help and returns an extended help message with all of the available options documented.

For instance, the help message for scaffold is, at time of writing:

» npx @tybalt/cli scaffold --help
Usage: @tybalt/cli scaffold [options] [string]

scaffold tybalt-related files

  string                whether to create a project or a component (default: "component")

  -n, --name <string>   tybalt-example
  -s, --styles          whether to generate a separate css file (default: true)
  -t, --tests           whether to generate unit tests (default: true)
  -i, --implementation  whether to generate a component implementation file (default: true)
  -h, --help            display help for command

You can also run --version to get the current version number.


Builds an application using esbuild.

The first argument is the entrypoint to build (defaults to src/index.html)

$ npx @tybalt/cli build


Lints the project using eslint and some reasonable defaults.

$ npx @tybalt/cli lint


Scaffolds a new project.

Must be provided with a project type, one of: eleventy, fastify, component or library, as the first argument.

Must also have a name, provided with the -n, --name flag.

$ npx @tybalt/cli scaffold eleventy -n tybalt-website


Serves an application

$ npx @tybalt/cli serve


Runs the unit tests for a project.

$ npx @tybalt/cli test


Runs the build every time a change is detected.

$ npx @tybalt/cli watch