
The test-utils package is for unit testing web components. It's built specifically for Tybalt, but it works for most web component frameworks -- see our Lit example on GitHub.

A simple test might look like

it('emits a click event when the button is clicked', async () => {
    const wrapper = await mountCookieBanner();

    const actual = wrapper.find('button');


See the API section below for more examples.


npm install --save-dev @tybalt/test-utils


You'll need to add the setup script to your jest.config.js.

In commonjs

module.exports = {
    setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./node_modules/@tybalt/test-utils/dist/cjs/setup.js'],

In esm

export default {
    setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./node_modules/@tybalt/test-utils/dist/mjs/setup.js'],


import { mount } from '@tybalt/test-utils';
import MyComponent from './my-component';

describe('component', () => {
    it('renders', async () => {
        const wrapper = await mount(MyComponent);




await flushPromises();
import { flushPromises, mount } from '@tybalt/test-utils';
import MyComponent from './my-component';

describe('component', () => {
    it('renders', async () => {
        const wrapper = await mount(MyComponent);

        // wait for asynchronous action, like a fetch request, that is performed when mounting to be completed
        await flushPromises();

        expect(wrapper.text()).toBe(`<expected content>`);


Use mount to create an instance of a web component.

mount takes two arguments, the component definition, and an optional options object that can have an attributes and slot key on it. The attributes argument is an object in the shape { attributeKey: "attributeValue" }, and the slot is a string of html that should be place inside the web component.

import { mount } from '@tybalt/test-utils';
import MyComponent from './my-component';

describe('component', () => {
    it('renders', async () => {
        const attributes = {};
        const slot = 'this is slot content';
        const wrapper = await mount(MyComponent, { attributes, slot });



The wrapper is a convenience class for testing DOM elements. Wrapper is an interface that has multiple implemenetations, and is returned from methods like find, mount and findComponentAll.


The attributes method is used to get the value of attributes that are passed to an element. It takes a single, optional parameter, attributeName, the name of the attribute to get the value for.

const attributeName = 'name';
const attributeValue = 'value';

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent, { [attributeName]: attributeValue });


If the optional parameter is not provided, instead an object is returned where the keys are all of the attributes, and their corresponding values are the attribute values.

const attributeName = 'name';
const attributeValue = 'value';

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent, { [attributeName]: attributeValue });

expect(wrapper.attributes()).toBe({ [attributeName]: attributeValue });


The classes method is used to indicate the presence of classes that are present on an element. It takes a single, optional parameter, className, the name of the attribute to check for the presence of.

const className = 'my-class';
const MyComponent = defineComponent({
    render() {
        return html`<div class="${className}"></div>`;

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);


If the optional parameter is not provided, instead an object is returned where the keys are all of the attributes, and their corresponding values are the attribute values.

const className = 'my-class';
const MyComponent = defineComponent({
    render() {
        return html`<div class="${className}"></div>`;

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);

expect(wrapper.classes()).toBe({ [className]: true });


Indicates whether an element exists or not.

For example, if you call this method on the result of a mount call, it will return true because mount returns an element.

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);


If, instead, you query the result for a element that is not present, it will return false.

const MyComponent = defineComponent({
    render() {
        return html`<div>Hello World</div>`;

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);
const element = wrapper.find('button');



Finds an element that is a descendant of this wrapper that matches a CSS selector string. Only returns the first element matching the selector.

const MyComponent = defineComponent({
    render() {
        return html`<div>Hello World</div>`;
const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);
const element = wrapper.find('div[data-jest="my-selector"]');



Finds all elements that are descendants of this wrapper that match a CSS selector string. Returns all elements matching the selector.

const MyComponent = defineComponent({
    render() {
        return html`<ul>
const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);
const elements = wrapper.findAll('li');



Finds an element that is a descendant of this wrapper that is an instance of the constructor provided as the first argument. Only returns the first element that is an instance of the constructor.

const MyComponent = defineComponent({
    render() {
        return html`<div><my-other-component></my-other-component></div>`;
const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);
const element = wrapper.findComponent(MyOtherComponent);



Finds all elements that are descendants of this wrapper that are an instance of the constructor provided as the first argument. Returns all elements that is an instance of the constructor.

const MyComponent = defineComponent({
    render() {
        return html` <ul>
const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);
const elements = wrapper.findComponentAll(MyOtherComponent);



Returns a string of the html of a wrapper.

const template = `<div><span>foo</span><span>bar</span><span>baz</span></div>`;
const MyComponent = defineComponent({ template });

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);


html returns the html as it would be seen by a third-party script. For instance, if you use the shadow DOM and you close it, the shadow DOM will not be returned from html.

const template = `<div>my secret DOM</div>`;
const MyComponent = defineComponent({ template, shadowMode: 'closed' });

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);


If, instead, you have an open shadow DOM, it will be included in the returned html.

const template = `<div>my open DOM</div>`;
const MyComponent = defineComponent({ template, shadowMode: 'open' });

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);



Returns the number of DOM elements that are wrapped by this wrapper.

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);



Returns the innerText of an html element.

const template = `<div><span>foo</span><span>bar</span><span>baz</span></div>`;
const MyComponent = defineComponent({ template });

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);

expect(wrapper.text()).toBe(`foo bar baz`);


Fires a custom event from the wrapped element.

const eventName = 'click';
const payload = { foo: 'bar' };

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent);
wrapper.trigger(eventName, payload);